5 Pieces of Best Fitness Equipment in Stamford CT

Stamford, CT has many options when it comes to fitness equipment, but there are few pieces of equipment that stand out as the best of the best. These are great pieces of equipment that can benefit every kind of user, from beginners to advanced exercisers, and will help anyone improve their health and fitness goals. The five best pieces of fitness equipment in Stamford are as follows…

1. The Elliptical Machine

As part of an all-around home gym set up or to work on cardio after an injury or illness, it’s a good idea to include an elliptical machine. The elliptical is a low-impact aerobic workout that increases your heart rate and burns calories.

To find out more about how much you can lose with aerobic exercise check out our free Health Guide here. With so many options for Ellipticals on the market we suggest checking out some user reviews before making your decision.

One top seller that has garnered rave reviews by both users and professionals alike is The Horizon Fitness Elliptical Trainer ($799). This machine has been rated as one of their favorites because it has two LCD consoles with 12 workout programs to keep you motivated while your body fat percentage decreases.

2. Weight Bench

With so many workout options available to you, it’s important to know what’s best for your body. While some exercises will help tone and strengthen certain muscles while others will increase endurance and burn fat.

One thing that should not be overlooked is incorporating a weight bench into your routine. At Sports Authority in Stamford, we have all types of weight benches ranging from incline benches to flat bench models. Here are 3 reasons why adding a weight bench to your workout is one of the best things you can do for yourself

 1. You don’t need a spotter when using an incline bench: Incline benches give you greater control over how much weight you lift and how far down you go. This means that when using an incline bench, you won’t need someone else to spot you because as long as your form is correct, there isn’t any risk of injury if something goes wrong during your set.

As such, people who don’t like working out with others find them useful because they don’t need to worry about feeling self-conscious or distracted by someone spotting them

Weight Bench

2. A weight bench allows you to work for multiple muscle groups at once: Many people use free weights to work different muscle groups at once but forget that you can also use a weight bench in order to accomplish the same goal. For example, if you were doing bicep curls on a flat bench, then simply changing up your position slightly would allow you to work your triceps at the same time. Using both arms simultaneously helps increase blood flow and gives each muscle group more of a challenge which results in faster growth and better toning.

3.Weight benches allow for easier transitions between workouts: If you have trouble getting motivated then using multiple pieces of equipment throughout your workout could help solve that problem.


Getting into shape is one thing but really losing weight and getting that toned look requires more than just exercise. You also need to cut out those extra calories and get rid of that fatty layer covering your muscles.

A simple way to do both is with some dumbbells. Dumbbells are an easy form of resistance training that burns calories while toning up muscle fibers, giving you a sleek look. This can be done at home or at a gym by lifting weights for about 30 minutes each day.

If you’re starting from scratch, it’s best to start with lighter weight before moving on to heavier ones. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, begin with five-pound weights. After six weeks of regular use, increase your weight by two pounds per week until you reach 10 pounds.

Once there, increase again every two weeks until you reach 15 pounds. When working out with dumbbells: Stand straight and hold them at shoulder level; lift them to chest level; lower them back down repeat for 10 reps; rest for 60 seconds between sets.

There are other types of fitness equipment such as treadmills and elliptical machines that can help burn fat too but they require a little more expertise than dumbbells so consult a trainer first if you’re unsure how to use them properly!

Push Up Bars

Looking for a way to make your push-ups harder? You may want to consider some simple push-up bars. Just place them on either side of you and perform your push-ups using these instead of the floor. By raising your hands off the ground you will engage more muscles and make it much harder.

They are easy to use and can be stored away easily when not in use  also very affordable so anyone can afford them. They can be used at home or even at work if there is enough room for them.

If you have no space then they can still be used with bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and sit-ups. These are perfect for someone who wants to get into shape but doesn’t have any equipment at home or doesn’t want to spend too much money on equipment that they might not use regularly.

It is important that you take care of your body by exercising regularly but it doesn’t mean that you need to spend thousands of dollars on fancy machines and gym memberships. These small pieces of equipment could help change your life without breaking the bank !

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Weight Plates

The first thing you will want to do is figure out what your goals are and whether or not you actually need weight plates. If you have no desire to compete as a bodybuilder, then there is no reason for you to spend thousands of dollars on weights when simple alternatives can do just as good a job for far less money.

I would recommend that anyone interested in physical fitness get some sort of exercise bench at least. This will give you somewhere safe and sturdy to work out your chest muscles or back. You should also consider getting an adjustable dumbbell set if you plan on doing any arm exercises.

Most people who start lifting weights end up needing to buy more equipment later down the road, so it’s better to be prepared from day one than try to buy everything all at once. You don’t necessarily need all of these things right away, but they’re worth keeping in mind if you decide that starting a home gym is something you really want to do.

Here’s a quick rundown of some other types of equipment: barbells (for squats), kettle bells (for building explosive power), medicine balls (for core strength), resistance bands (to increase flexibility) and jump ropes (for cardio).



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